Cylinder Oil 40 TBN 40

Cylinder Oil 40 TBN 40

- Use strong alkali additives to prevents corrosion wear of the cylinder liners - Outstanding detergency capability leads to cleaner piston rings and liners - Fast separation from water in case of water contamination - Excellent TBN retention with low oil consumption - Excellent thermal stability can lead to reduced carbon deposits and sludge formation - Designed to ensure vessel operators can meet the new ECA sulfur requirements without compromising on engine protection and performance.
Cylinder Oil
TBN Value
18L, 200L

Marine CL 4040 is a high performance two-stroke engine cylinder lubricant offering enhanced wear protection at high operating temperature and suitable for use in two stroke engines burning heavy fuel oil with a sulfur content up to 2.5wt%. Marine CL Series are recommended as a cylinder lubricant for all types of slow speed cross-head two stroke diesel, the TBN value increases the detergency of the oil, hence the clealiness of the engine, typicall a higher TBN value gives a cleaner engine.

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